Wednesday, 23 November 2016

DG Gerry visit to our club meeting 23-11-16

Our club welcomed District Governor Gerry Kierans and Assistant Governor William Cross.

Following is a message from Gerry kierans

Dear President Richard, I wish to thank you, your Club Council and Members for the very warm welcome, hospitality and gifts received on my visit to your club on Wednesday.

I was very impressed to hear of the very many projects and programmes under taken by your club, and to read your comprehensive “To Do List” below. I encourage you to work with DGNN William to update the successes on Rotary Showcase.

While your total membership numbers are fine, your challenge is to introduce diversity and younger members who are active in the commercial/business/vocational area in your locale. Best wishes in this particular endeavour.

I shared with you and your members the District Primary goals:

1)      Membership retention and Growth (this is an imperative for clubs throughout the District)
2)      Continuing to support Project H2O (a 3 project that may extend to 4 to reach the total financial target)
3)      Enrolling all club members in Rotary Foundation’s Sustaining Membership Annual Giving of $100
(to coincide with Foundation’s Centennial) (Application form is online)

 I do encourage you to continue all the great work undertaken by your club and please call on DGNN William and myself should you have any questions or help.

I look forward to meeting you and your club members again very soon.

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