Sunday, 10 July 2016

Presidents Update July 2016

Presidents Update 06-07-16
Hope to issue a brief update to members after each Council meeting. Council met on Monday 4th. July. 

Buddy Hughes – Past President 1985-86
Many will be aware that Buddy Hughes died 23rd. June.   The club sends their condolence to his wife Joan.

Somme 100
Big thanks to all who helped out with the Shelter Box & tent.  Great opportunity to raise profile,  pity about the weather.  British Legion had organised a great event over 3 days bringing people from Wales, England & Ireland.  I had pleasure attending the remembrance service on Friday night.

Fees for next 6 months now due (£85).  Many have a direct debit and I would encourage you to do same, makes life easy. Contact John Flynn for more details

Fees cover the cost of running the club plus a contribution towards the charity account.  However the club needs additional funding to cover its projects and charities eg Just One Life, Youth Engagement etc, foundation etc.

We cannot rely on the Presidents Ball & Charity Breakfast as our main source of fundraising and need to look at alternatives in addition.  We hope to hold a workshop on fundraising later in the year with other organisations to explore alternatives.

We are planning additional fundraising events in October, new year & early summer. We plan to set up a small team of members to take forward plans for October and I will be contacting you in the near future.

Business engagement
We need to be more engaged with local business people who are the future of our club.  We have identified a small team of members to take forward the plans from assembly and I will be contacting you in the near future.

Club meetings
Michael, Jimmy & I are working on the club meetings for the next couple of months and will be sending out regular updates.  We do need members to be more involved, either suggesting speakers or even hosting a meeting. 

Please note.
1.       No meeting next 2 weeks – July holidays
2.       Farm visit Saturday 6th. August Contact Jimmy
3.       Quadrangle golf Friday 19th. August at Castlerock
4.       Evening social with speaker Wednesday 31st August at ? Portstewart
5.       Presidents Ball, date fixed for Saturday 19th. November

25 year Recognition Certificates
There has been some confusion over some names left out from the list of people awarded a 25 year certificate by past president Rotary International KR Ravindran.  This is because of errors in the current roster. John Dempsy & I will sortv out and will arrange a presentation later the year.

District Conference, Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge 30th Sept to 2nd Oct
I have reserved 6 rooms at Kildare House Hotel and have filled 4 to date.  However will have to give the remaining 2 in next couple of days so contact me asap if you wish to use.  People can still book between now and the end of September but no guarantee that we will all be based at the same hotel.

Many thanks to all for your encouragement and I look forward the next year. Feedback welcome as well as suggestions for future events and projects.

Next Council meeting due Monday 8th. August


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